Analytics Reports

Burhan Kesapli
  • Updated

Who has access to analytics?

  • Pro user or Contact Center Agent in an organization with the Unlimited telephony package.
  • Pro user or Contact Center Agent in an organization with the Light telephony package can purchase the Analytics add-on service.
  • The user must have the Telephony System permission and/or the Analytics permission.

Open analytics

  • Click on Analytics

In many cases, it is more cost-effective to upgrade the telephony package from Light to Unlimited instead of purchasing the add-on service that is included in the package.

General information

  • Analytics is an intelligent service that allows you to analyze your call flows to optimize your operations. Choose metrics based on your KPIs and get started right away!

  • Pro users with the Analytics permission (under features) can view and analyze all response groups in the organization, regardless of whether they are an agent, supervisor, or not part of any group.

  • Follow the guide.

    You need to have the account permission to be able to purchase add-on services.

How to use analytics

    1. Click on the plus sign to create a new report.
    2. Name the report.
    3. Select whether you want to analyze response groups or users and then choose the response groups or individuals you want data on.
    4. In the content segment, select what the report should include.
    5. Choose the desired metrics for the report (see the metrics article for more information).
    6. Select the time interval and language.
    1. Choose whether the report should be a one-time report or recurring.
    2. If the report is recurring, specify when it should be delivered.
    3. Specify the scope – for example, whether the report should include data from the past week or month.
    4. Specify which days and times the report should cover (all weekdays, Mon-Fri, or custom days and times).
    1. Specify whether the report should be sent at each selected interval or a limited number of times (only applies to recurring reports).
    1. Select who should receive the report.
    2. Preview the report with data from the previous week to see how it will look.

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