lynes 1.22

Burhan Kesapli
  • Updated

Release notes lynes 1.22.0

  • Update live: 2023-09-26
  • Platforms: All

What's new?

  • Moved out of beta! The advanced contact list provides a clearer overview of your contacts and lets you customize your experience with sort, view, and group settings.

  • Also out of beta! The flow chart provides an improved overview of the dashboard.

    Agent groups now appear at the top, displaying bounced, missed, and handled calls. From this view, you can also follow up on missed calls and add comments.

    The flow chart is not active by default.

  • Convert your missed or bounced calls to followed-up, or send them a text via the call history in the answer group. This data will be displayed in the log visible to fellow agents.

  • Activate this to set a threshold value (in seconds). When the queue time surpasses this threshold, it will flash in red.

  • Service level is a new way to track you KPIs, which measures if the agents answers calls within set threshold value (in seconds) and displays it as a service level in percentage.

    Eg. If you set the threshold at 90 seconds and 8 out of 10 calls are answered within that time, with 2 outside of it, your service level will be 80%. Also possible to add a bottom threshold to exclude early abandoned calls. Eg. hung up within 10 seconds or less.

    The service level is active by default but can be disabled in settings.

  • A new answer group setting allows users with the permission Phone system to permit or restrict agents from logging in or out independently.

  • Moved out of beta! Your voicemails can now be transcribed using AI technology. Receive a notification in the app with a summary, also available via email (if activated). View the voicemail summary in the call log and access the full transcription if needed.

    This technology is continuously improving. Some inaccuracies may occur, so we appreciate your understanding.

  • Answer group voicemails can now be transcribed, with a summary displayed in the group call log.

  • Introducing eSIM for Subs, which can be activated in your settings and on new Subs.

  • Answer service companies can now integrate their solutions with ours, accessing line state and activity status.

  • Activate a personal IVR and customize it as you see fit. Default settings are available for organizations. Often used by companies/users to achieve “Press 1 to transfer to the switchboard” for unanswered personal calls.

  • Choose how you want to present a distributed call from an answer group. Choose between:

    1. Custom number (new)
    2. Answer group number (new)
    3. Caller’s number + numeric ID
  • Export a list of all users to an Excel file.


  • Desktop app only: New improved version of breakout windows. Possible to break out some dialogs in a separate windows to increase productivity and get a better overview.

  • Receive a notification for incoming calls on your mobile phone, which may include the caller's name, company, and answer group, if applicable.

Fixes & changes

    • View option for showing voicemail transcriptions directly in call logs.
    • Fix direct transfers not working for answer group agents who do not use mobile distribution
    • Add new call categories to call log search.
    • Split followed-up metric into Followed-up - missed, Followed-up - bounced, Followed-up - all
    • Analytics no longer resets date range selection when navigating away during the current day and session
    • Fixed issue where flow chart would crash due to user status not being loaded.
    • Share call: add option to include transcription of voice mail.
    • Mark entire threads as read.
    • Quick-action on android notifications to mark emails as read or delete email.
    • Fixed so call logs for VoIP answer groups are logged to connected insights with auto log enabled.
    • Fix the VoIP issue where answered call does not connect
    • Fix for create native contact
    • Fix for converting Apple native video format to MPEG-4 when sharing a video
    • Fix for contact permissions
    • Fix for voicemail mails
    • Fixed so you can remove all display numbers from a user via edit user.
    • Fixed issue with loading the contact view when the app started if the user had independent numbers.

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