Delete a User

Burhan Kesapli
  • Updated
Click on gear icon, select your organization and expand the list User Accounts

Delete a User

  1. Go to the User Accounts tab and then to Users.
  2. Search for the user to be removed.
  3. Click on Deactivate User.
  4. Choose whether to schedule the removal of the user or delete the user immediately.
  5. If you choose to schedule the removal, the user will automatically be placed for deletion after 30 days. During this time, the user will appear in a separate view for easy tracking.
  6. The number associated with the former user will be moved to Unassigned Mobile Numbers.

If the user will continue using the number after being removed from the app, it is important to contact your operator to remove the MEX service.

By selecting the option to schedule the removal of a user, you have time to review shared chat logs and save important information. Once the user is removed, both the chat logs and all other data associated with the user will be deleted.

Deleted data cannot be recovered.

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